Hey everyone,
its been a while since our last update. And we would like to take the time to talk a bit about our tour and our plans for future.
We just finished our tour, which we ironically called ‘no regretz’. We went through Germany, Netherlands, England and Wales, which we had the chance to play with Petrol Girls, Days n Daze, Shitfaced Mermaids, Exilent and loads of other sick bands, and got to meet amazing people, visit great projects and catch up with lots of friends. As far as playing shows goes it was a brilliant tour, the only thing that was consistent about it was that once we actually got on the stage it was great. But all the parts in between were a bit of a shitstorm…
In a nutshell: 3 emergency room trips, a five hour delay on the megabus that resulted into some good old street sleeping action, after finding out that the megabus lost one of our backpacks and all our merch. Getting incredibly sick which led us to cancel on a show in Norwich. Em failing the hay bale challenge at Common Ground festival (jumping over hay bales with a bunch of kids) and ending up on crutches for the last 2 weeks. And Roro barely keeping it together trying to organise things due to still being epically stressed from the whole prison thing. We were thinking that maybe we should call the next one the ‘no expectationz tour’ lol.
Although all of this happened, we are still a little bit shocked by the overwhelming support and love we received at all the gigs. Its crazy that at every gig we played, people that we have never met before knew our songs. We have never played such big shows, and we are still getting used to these big crowds. Its pretty overwhelming.
This past year and a half has been filled with lots of cool adventures, and alot of travels but we feel that it is time for us to create a place that we can return to after traveling and establish a bit of a base. Because none of us actually have a home somewhere, and its starting to wear us down, not being able to have any downtime. We need some stability to be able to process all the things that have happened over the last times. As much as we love staying on peoples couches, we are really looking forward to having our own beds again.
So we have decided to make a move to Amsterdam. We will still be playing shows for the next months, but not doing any long tours for a while.
The cool thing about settling down is that we can actually work on some plans and ideas that we have on a consistent basis. Here are some of our ideas:
We are writing a lot of music for our new album, its going to sound quite different, but we are very excited for this, we are hoping to release it in the winter time/early spring.
To fund this venture we might be looking into doing some sort of crowd funding.
We want to write a zine about prisons and the experiences of us and our friends.
We would like to do a music video of one of our new songs, and release it before the album. (So if any of you know how to do that, and want to help out, please let us know!)
Also we want to have the time to work a bit on our own individual projects and lives.
We will probably do a big tour after releasing our album, but we realise that all these plans are already pretty ambitious, and if we have learned anything over the last months its that we should try to take things a bit slower and not be to hard on ourselves.
We have received so much support over the last months and we are forever grateful for all the people that put us on, gave us a place to sleep, and some food. We want to specifically thank Rogue Cat Productions for making some amazing patches for us, and saving our butts when the megabus lost our merch. Check out Rogue Cats stuff here: https://www.facebook.com/RogueCatProductions/?fref=ts
We want to thank Matt from Pumpkin Records who has been a total star in helping us out with so many shows, and dealing with all the bullshit of organizing a festival. We dont think we could pull that off so smoothly while remaining kind and helpful lol.
Random Camel Housing Co-op in Ipswich, where we arrived super sick. We kind of took over their living room as a autonomous sick zone, which they totally supported. It was very nice to just be in a place, be sick and feel like people were caring for us.
We want to thank our designated driver/drinker/drugger that made every night a surprise, and made us wonder a couple of times, are we going to make it to the next show? But we always did, the trash music in the multipla was a source of much fun. You are great, and we love you, little walnut.
Also, of course, all the people that put effort into putting us on, and being so caring. Its a good feeling to know that we are being supported and people want to spend time into having us play, especially at time when things get a bit rough.
We are very grateful!